Thursday, May 06, 2010

Blue Zombie

Does anyone know anything about this song? All I know is it's called "Blue Zombie" I'd love to know the name of the group, the lyrucs, or even the language. Thanks everyone.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Affordable Scarves Giveaway

Announcing a giveaway from The Giveaway Diva and Affordable Scarves. Click the links for more info!

GiveAway Diva

I have just discovered the Giveaway Diva and I think her blog is absolutely fabulous! There are fantastic giveaways, and she does helpful reviews on some awesome products. The latest giveaway is a peacock clutch from Clutch That! It is incredibly beautiful and would match my teal gown perfectly. I hope I win!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My last week of summer vacation

I go back to work next Tuesday 07-07-09. It is a bittersweet occasion. I will enjoy getting back into the swing of things, seeing my friends at work, and making a decent paycheck again. I will surely miss being able to sleep till 10, go for a walk at noon and then taking a nap. Oh the life of leisure. I am a little sad that my car and my boyfriends truck have some minor issues that could become major preventing us from going anywhere far. Oh well, there's fun to be had at or near home too.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Yesterday I made a lovely video of my niece Gracie.

I have also been watching videos. some were a boring waste of my time, but there were also some really amazing ones. Here's a Soldier playing a paper cup drum kit. I also found an awesome optical illusion.
Enjoy! (I know I did!)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Day 423 of recovery

OK, so really it's been a little less than a month since my surgery. I still feel like I'm tied to the bed. No wait, that would be fun. I watch wayyyy too much tv and it is getting boring. I don't wish to go back to work yet, I just wish I could do something, anything. I have seen lots of movies though. Today I saw Kicking the Dog. It was absolutely horrible. Just picture American Pie without the funny parts. I'll probably watch another movie later. Who knows.
Yesterday I walked all the way to the mailbox and back and it didn't hurt at all. Until later. I guess some progress has been made. It will be a long journey before the I get to the end.
Anyway, back to The 40 year old virgin.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I signed up for Google Ads

Funny thing, I signed up for Google Ads and one of the ads was "men in feminine underwear". I thought the ads had something to do with the content of my blog yet I don't recall blogging about men in feminine underwear. I guess I am now. Whatever raises yer sails. :P

Look at me, blogging again!

I wish the day was 30 hours long.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I believe I am most creative at night when I cannot sleep.
It's 1:05 Sunday 05/24/09. I had back surgery for the second time on 05-08-09. I still have the staples in place and I can't wait until they get removed. They are starting to itch. I am also leaking like crazy at the staple sites. I have to sleep on a towel just in case and was wearing pads on the front of my underwear. . Tonight I was almost asleep when I noticed a damp spot on the towel. Then I noticed the huge damp spot on my underwear. I have now resorted to taping the maxipads to my belly.
It's hard to believe that it's already been more than two weeks. I am not able to do much because I can only sit for 1/2 hr at a time, but it's not that bad. I get to watch lots of movies. I have also had a lot of time to think. I think maybe that when I grow up, I'd like to be a philosopher. The one thing I don't get though, is how to get someone to pay you for it. Is there a market for philosophers?
I'd also like to work on painting, and creating other objects d'art from things disassembled and reassembled anew. Glass blowing would be wonderful to learn. I finished taking apart a scanner today. It felt great. From it I have gained a knowledge of what's inside (surprisingly little) and I've also gained some materials for the previously mentioned objects. I've got 3 large piece of glass, a couple of circuit boards, three strips of mirror, a motor and other assorted junk.
I have also decided I will try to write something every day. Maybe someday some body may even read these.